Monday, January 28, 2013

Coffee Shop Sketching . . .

 Our favorite walk these days is along the Sammamish River trail in Bothell. Yesterday afternoon we walked between showers. The sky was bright white and mist filled the air.

We walked along the river, then took the North Creek Trail and continued onto the wet lands. The trees along the creek looked like they were made of gold. Soon the wood will turn a soft rose just before the leaves arrive.

We finished our loop walk going thru the UW Bothell campus, into town and back over the river to our car.

On the way home we stopped at a favorite coffee shop and took the empty couch in the front corner. From there I could see many people busy with books and laptops. A great place to sketch!

After a while the people sitting in the large chairs in front of the fire, left. We took their place and I had a group of "new models" to add to my book. I have posted a few of them.

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